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Securing the Future with

Part of being an agent of change means protecting our future. By partnering with Bumiterra,
we are not only measuring our environmental impact, but also doing something about it.

The company is implementing a comprehensive program to reduce carbon emissions,
starting in September 2022. The goal is to reduce emissions by 40% by year-end and
achieve a 100% reduction by 2023. Bumiterra and CATUR Coffee Company are working
together to procure carbon credits, which represent the absorption of one metric ton of
carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

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Payback to Nature

The land we are restoring is 2 hectares of degraded forests
where we have planted 845 high-value trees and detected
10 wildlife species. The community keeper is Cimpa, a
husband and a father of two who works as a rubber tapper,
daily laborer for palm oil plantations, and rice farmer.

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A few words from Mikael Jasin

Coffee has opened many doors for me personally as well as
our company. One of the most rewarding experiences is
definitely the amount of travel that we get to do to visit
coffee growing regions and multiple coffee shows all around
the world.

These places are amazing, from seeing beautiful sunrises,
feeling the crisp air of a new city and watching unforgettable
sunsets from a coffee forest.

Those unique moments made us realise that we want to
experience this for much longer and share them with our
loved ones. Hence, we decided to track our impact on our
earth and do our best to minimise it and most importantly,
give something back.

This is how the idea for our sustainability & transparency
report was born. We are excited to share our findings with
you and are looking forward to having engaging discussions

Why Restore Indonesia?

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Reforestation serves as an all-inclusive, community-powered solution aligned with the UN's
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), benefiting everyone by regenerating forests, restoring
biodiversity, and creating livelihoods while preserving our planet's balance.

Indonesia's Borneo rainforests are crucial for preserving biodiversity, boasting high carbon
sequestration ability with the third-largest rainforest cover globally, storing 25.57 Gt C in living
biomass and 35.9 Gt C in soil organic carbon. Forestry projects are 10-50x more cost-effective for
carbon capture due to its expansive restoration potential, high survival rates, and efficiency.

However, Borneo faces significant deforestation and biodiversity loss due to a lack of economic
incentives for protection. Bumiterra's model aims to address these issues, providing a sustainable
solution that balances environmental conservation with economic prosperity.


What does it take to restore a degraded ecosystem?

Site analysis for strategic planning

We analyze deeply the location, looking to understand the
condition of the soil, the water, the terrain, the native
species and even the community. All this to ensure that a
clear and precise multi year strategy will be implemented.

Nursery management

We meticulously collect and care for seedlings inside our
nursery to prepare them to be planted on the restoration
sites a few months out. Everyday each seedlings require
careful tending and monitoring.


Seedling planting

After months of preparation we begin planting the seedlings on the restoration plots. We ensure the proper
species spread and species planting sequence to regenerate a healthy and proper ecosystem where animals
and plants can flourish.

Monitoring restoration progress

After all the planting has been done, our team of field
operatives continuously monitor and track the progress, to
safeguard the restoration. Just like a child growing up
requires constant attention and guidance, a forest during
its early stages requires the same.


The collaboration between CATUR Coffee Company and Bumiterra starts with the calculation of carbon footprint, which is then used as the quantity of CO2 needed to offset the emissions generated from CATUR Coffee Company's operational activities.


Marsipature hutanabe.


Agents of change, from Indonesia to the world.

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